Lift 87
From the cottage, the lift is convenient yet unobtrusive. The hoist machinery and electrical panel are protected and hidden in the tongue and groove housing. You can see the upper access platform to the left of the lift.
Another view of the top station showing the finished access platform with railings and the protective roof that the lift owner designed and built to keep snow out of the car. The grey box on the side of the track is a “pony panel” that feeds power to both the lift and the dock level lights and outlets. The electrical cables running to the lower level are attached to track where they are protected and hard to see.
It’s all about being connected with the water for swimming, fishing, and sailing.
Sailor took to the lift like it was an old friend.
We designed the lower station to use this stone step as a platform, minimizing the impact of the lift on the local environment, especially when the car is “Parked”. A second benefit, keeping the track tight to the hill does not hinder walking on the lakeside path that’s in the foreground. We use the natural terrain whenever we can.
Sailor posing with his new lift. Now he can swim whenever he wants to..
Sailor also likes to bring his owners for a romp together on the snowy frozen lake.